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Earned wage access is going to no-fee.

In a consumer-driven world, employees are dictating when and where they want their pay through the popularization of earned wage access (EWA) also known as on-demand pay.

While many employer-integrated EWA models promise a “no fee” benefit for employers, employees often end up footing the bill through hidden costs like transaction fees or subscriptions.

Earned Wage Access EWA History Timeline No-Fees
Compliant Earned Wage Access Preparedness Guide

The CFPB's proposed rule on employers who offer earned wage access.

Recently, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) proposed an interpretative rule regulating fees for EWA models, signaling a shift to no-fee EWA

Don’t get caught flat footed. Get our proprietary EWA Preparedness plan.

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Discover Chime’s future proofed no-fee, earned wage access solution for employers.

Our innovative EWA solution when coupled with our award-winning savings technology can help unlock financial progress and support employees’ long-term financial goals.

Chime works within applicable federal and state laws to achieve a high standard of consumer protection that’s in the best interest of consumers.

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Learn more about Chime’s employer-integrated EWA solution.

Get our proprietary CFPB No-fee EWA Preparedness Guide

The CFPB’s proposed interpretative rule establishes a new standard for treatment of fees related to EWA that could lead to a new no-fee EWA industry standard. To help employers navigate this transition, we’ve prepared a guide.

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Your employees are all different. And each requires a unique financial wellness solution. Learn more about our dynamic approach to supporting your employees’ individual needs.

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