Submit Legal Process

Civil Legal Process
**Please note that Chime does not accept service of civil legal process through our law enforcement portal.**
Civil legal process issued in California may be served on our registered agent, VCORP SERVICES CA, INC., located at 5670 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Out-of-state civil legal process must be domesticated in San Francisco where Chime is headquartered.
Criminal Legal Process
In order to submit criminal legal process, each document must:
- Be in PDF format;
- Be assembled in the complete form as issued by the court or competent authority;
- Be dated and signed by an attorney or government official (if applicable), or by a judge;
- Be addressed to: Chime Financial, Inc. (legal process addressing “Chime Bank” will be rejected);
- Include as much identifying information as is available. Particularly helpful identifying information includes the following:
- 12-digit Chime account number;
- Full email address associated with the account;
- Full first and last name;
- Full date of birth;
- Street address;
- Social security number.
- Clearly describe the particular information requested and the applicable date range for your request. (Chime will only produce basic subscriber information in response to vague requests for “any and all” records);
- Be specific in identifying the legal basis for the request;
- Be in compliance with the type of legal process required for the type of data requested. (See Legal Process Matrix below).
Legal Process / Data Request Matrix
The following information is available depending on the type of legal order submitted:
SUBPOENA | SEARCH WARRANT | FORFEITURE / GARNISHMENT / LEVY (Including any attempt to freeze, restrain, forfeit or transfer a Chime members’ assets) |
Certification Requirement
By submitting a request via this webform, you are acknowledging that you are a law enforcement agent or government official and that your request is being made in performance of your official duties. Any information provided by Chime Financial, Inc. is to be used strictly for the purposes stated in the accompanying legal process and may not be shared with any third party under any circumstance.
Click here to submit criminal legal process to Chime’s Law Enforcement and Government Response Team.