Outbound Instant Transfer Service Terms
This Agreement supplements and is incorporated into the Deposit Account Agreement for the demand deposit account (“Account,” “Checking Account,” or “Chime Account”) available from The Bancorp Bank, N.A., member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) (“The Bancorp Bank, N.A. ,” the “Bank) on behalf of Chime Financial, Inc., the program partner responsible for managing the Chime Account (“Chime”). “We,” “our,” and “us” refer to the Bank, our successors, affiliates, or assignees. “You,” “your,” and “member” refer to the owner of the Deposit Account.
These Outbound Instant Transfer Service Terms, along with the Deposit Account Agreement, govern your ability to make outbound instant transfers from your Checking Account to a debit card associated with your linked United States bank account at an external financial institution, for a fee (“OIT Service”). To the extent a discrepancy exists between the terms of the Deposit Account Agreement and these Outbound Instant Transfer Service Terms, these Outbound Instant Transfer Service Terms control solely with respect to the OIT Service. Outbound instant transfers are considered electronic funds transfers and are governed by Section II of the Deposit Account Agreement (Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure and Special Terms And Conditions). Please review these Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosures and Special Terms and Conditions for additional important terms applicable to your use of the OIT Service (though see the Disclosures section below for certain exceptions). Your use of the OIT Service constitutes your acceptance of these terms.
Using the OIT Service
Your access to the OIT Service is determined by Chime and the Bank in their sole discretion based on the history of any Chime-branded accounts you have, your previous use of electronic funds transfer services with Chime, your direct deposit history and direct deposit amounts, and other risk-based factors. Chime may suspend or terminate your use of the OIT Service at any time and without prior notice to you unless required by applicable law, rule, or regulation. If you violate the terms of the OIT Service, such actions may be used as a basis to terminate your Checking Account.
You agree that you will not use the OIT Service to send any payment that violates or appears to violate applicable law. You may only send outbound instant transfers to your bank account at an external United States financial institution via a linked debit card.
The OIT Service is typically available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and state and federal holidays. However, the Service may be unavailable from time to time, including scheduled or unscheduled maintenance. If you submit a transfer request during a period of unavailability, your transaction may not be processed until the OIT Service becomes available.
Outbound instant transfers are automatically debited from your Checking Account. Outbound instant transfers will be monitored and may be held, delayed, or blocked if, in Chime or the Bank’s discretion, completing the transfer could result in fraud or another form of financial harm. Chime may require additional information to complete an outbound instant transfer.
You must make sure the linked debit card information is entered accurately to ensure the outbound instant transfer is sent to your correct account. The outbound instant transfer will be paid as instructed and will not be excused by user error.
The OIT Service contemplates electronic funds transfers governed by the provisions of Section II of the Deposit Account Agreement (Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure and Special Terms And Conditions), with the exception of Section II.1 (Types of Electronic Funds Transfers Available) and Section II.2 (Limitations on Transfers, Amounts and Frequency of Transactions).
Type of Electronic Funds Transfer Available. The OIT service allows you to make an outbound instant transfer of funds from your Checking Account to your bank account at a United States financial institution via the linked debit card. Once submitted, an outbound instant transfer cannot be cancelled. The OIT Service may only be used to send payments to linked accounts.
Fees. There are no Chime or Bank fees applicable to your use of the OIT Service.
Transaction Limitations. You may send as little as $25.00 per transfer and up to $500.00 per calendar month through the OIT Service. Note, however, that this limitation is also subject to temporary reductions to protect the security of member Checking Accounts and/or the OIT Service.
We may change these limits with notice to you. To determine the current limits that apply to you, you can access them under the settings section of the Chime Mobile App, contact Member Services by calling 844- 244-6363 or ask the Chime Chatbot within the Chime Mobile App.